There's nothing quite like walking into your backyard and picking fresh fruit straight off the tree for a healthy, natural snack—or to whip up a favorite family recipe. However, for those with fruit trees at home, it can be really frustrating when a pest infestation spoils the harvest. The good news is that most common pest issues can be easily managed with the right tools and a bit of know-how.
5 Common Fruit-Tree Pests
Depending on the types of fruit trees you have in your yard, you might encounter a variety of little invaders. Getting familiar with the different species and their telltale signs is a great first step in protecting your fruit harvest.
Codling Moth
Apple and pear trees are commonly affected by codling moths, who lay their eggs on and near apple and pear fruit. Larvae then tunnel into the fruit and feed on the seeds. Symptoms you may be dealing with a codling moth larvae infestation include visible entry & exit holes in fruit, tunneling in fruit flesh (specifically around the seeds), and fruit that drops off the tree seemingly ahead of schedule.
Western Cherry Fruit Fly
The most common pest terrorizing sweet, tart, and wild species of cherry trees—in extreme infestations, you may find maggots in every single cherry. Indicators include small holes in fruit, larvae floating in cherry harvest tanks, and collapsed fruit.
Greater Peachtree Borer
Peach, nectarine, apricot, plum, and cherry trees are commonly infested by the greater peachtree borer, a clear-winged moth that lays its eggs at the base of tree trunks. Larvae bore into tree trunks, which can kill young or already-stressed trees. Classic symptoms include loose, dead bark, holes near the soil line, or oozing sap mixed with frass (dry, tiny, pellet-like insect excrement) around the base of the tree.
Peach Twig Borer
Peach, nectarine, apricot, and plum trees are also affected by the peach twig borer, whose brown larvae tunnel into the shoots of budding trees before feasting on fruit later in the season. Symptoms of peach twig borer infestation include wilted twigs, and small amounts of gum seeping from tunnel openings. Larvae typically enter fruit through the stem end, and may leave frass at the opening of the tunnels they chew.
Aphid (Various)
Different types of aphids also affect most kinds of fruit trees. Aphids lay their eggs during the winter in different locations depending on species. Telltale signs of aphid infestation include curled leaves, honeydew (which is actually aphid waste), generally reduced tree health, and occasionally sticky, deformed, or aborted fruit.
How to Control Fruit-Tree Pests
There are several of options available that will work to control a variety of pests on many different fruit trees. We typically recommend fruit-tree sprays with a combination of insecticide and disease-control ingredients; including, but not limited to:
Bonide Fruit Tree & Plant Guard
Bonide Fruit Tree & Plant Guard is a super easy, versatile and effective solution to keep those pesky insects and diseases away from your fruit trees (like apples, cherries, peaches, pears, and more), as well as nuts, ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, and garden veggies. It's a fantastic all-in-one product for backyard gardeners, tackling everything from aphids and Japanese beetles to powdery mildew and apple scab, thanks to its special blend of insecticide, fungicide, miticide, aphicide, and scalicide. Active Ingredients: Lambda-cyhalothrin, Pyraclostrobin and Boscalid
Bonide Malathion Insect Control
Bonide Malathion controls a variety of insects like aphids, spider mites, mosquitoes, scales, thrips, leafhoppers, Japanese beetles, codling moths and more. It's just the thing for giving your ornamental shrubs a little TLC and keeping your fruits and veggies—like asparagus, tomatoes, lettuce, melons, squash, and blackberries—nice and safe. Made for outdoor use in home gardens, Malathion Insect Control is both easy on the wallet and super effective! Active Ingredient: Malathion
Hi-Yield 55% Malathion
Hi-Yield 55% Malathion is a highly effective solution for managing a wide range of fruit tree pests. It offers robust control over aphids, bagworms, codling moths, thrips, spider mites, lace bugs, adult Japanese beetles, tent caterpillars, and more. This product is suitable for use on fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, and shrubs, and is intended for outdoor garden application only. Active Ingredient: Malathion
Hi-Yield Garden & Farm Insect Control
Hi-Yield Garden & Farm Insect Control is an effective solution for managing a variety of pests, including aphids, lesser peachtree borer, peach twig borer, codling moth, oriental fruit moth, and plum curculio, among others, in outdoor environments. It is suitable for use in residential gardens and by backyard fruit growers. This product can be applied to vegetables, fruit and nut trees, houseplants, roses, flowers, ornamental trees, and shrubs. The active ingredient, Permethrin, is known for its ability to control a broad spectrum of pests that impact fruit trees, vegetables, nuts, and more. Active Ingredient: Permethrin
Bonide Captain Jack's Fruit Tree Spray
Keep your fruit trees happy and healthy with Captain Jack’s Fruit Tree Spray! This amazing product is like having four garden helpers in one, providing top-notch insect and disease protection for your home, garden, and orchard. It works as a biological fungicide, insecticide, miticide, and nematicide, giving you peace of mind against those pesky garden issues.
Captain Jack’s Fruit Tree Spray is a fantastic choice for organic growers and can be used right up until harvest day! With its plant-based cold-pressed neem oil, it effectively keeps a wide range of pests like aphids, beetles, gnats, caterpillars, and more at bay. Whether they come into contact with it or ingest it, Captain Jack’s Spray ensures those pesky bugs are taken care of, so you can enjoy a healthy and thriving garden. Active Ingredient: Cold-pressed Neem Oil
Bonide Captain Jack’s DeadBug Brew
Captain Jack's DeadBug Brew is your go-to buddy for organic gardening, helping you tackle a wide range of pesky insects. You can use it on vegetables, citrus, fruits, flowers, and ornamentals. It’s perfect for protecting a variety of plants like fruiting vegetables, stone fruits, pome fruits, bush berries, cole crops, leafy greens, and tuberous veggies. Whether you're dealing with bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moths, gypsy moths, spider mites, loopers, leaf miners, tent caterpillars, thrips, or more, this product has got you covered. Plus, it’s gentle on beneficial insects, predatory mites, and spiders while keeping those unwanted pests in check. The magic ingredient in DeadBug Brew is Spinosad, a naturally occurring bacteria that’s a top choice for organic produce worldwide. Active Ingredient: Spinosyd (a mixture of Spinosyn A and Spinosad D)
No matter what you pick, it's a good idea to switch up the products with different active ingredients. This way, those pesky pests won't build up a resistance to any one product! It's best to mix things up and not use a product with the same active ingredient more than twice in a row.
Use Dormant Sprays to Prevent Pests
You can also try using dormant sprays, which are great for keeping overwintering pests like aphids, scales, mites, and peach twig borers in check. These sprays are best applied in late winter or early spring, before your trees start budding. They work by coating your trees with a horticultural oil that helps control pests by suffocating the eggs laid the previous year. Just remember to apply them before the first buds appear on your trees!
Remember, no matter which pest-control products you choose, the goal is to control the pests, not completely wipe them out. It’s nearly impossible to completely eliminate pests—but with a little care, you can keep them at an acceptable level to maintain healthy trees and hearty harvests.
When and How to Apply Pest Control
Once you notice new buds growing, it’s extremely important to wait until after all buds drop before spraying any additional pest-control products, as this helps keep bees safe during pollination season.
Since each type of fruit tree has its own pest species that need to be monitored and controlled, the specific pest you’re dealing with will guide you on when to spray and which products will work best.
Codling Moth
Typically, it is necessary to apply sprays several times from April to June, depending on outside temperatures. Different products require different intervals, so make sure you read the label carefully.
Western Cherry Fruit Fly
Apply the spray when the cherries transition from green to red, which is indicated by a yellowish straw color. Products including the active ingredients malathion or permethrin are often good options.
Greater Peach Tree Borer
Pest control products containing permethrin will be your best bet. You’ll want to spray multiple times between June and August, starting about three feet up the trunk and working your way down to the soil around the base of the tree.
How to Safely Apply Pest-Control Products
When applying pest-control products, it’s always a good idea to cover up any exposed skin—think gloves, long sleeves, long pants, closed-toe shoes, protective eyewear, and a large-brimmed hat. Some products may even require use of a respirator—make sure to read the label closely.
Examples of common personal protective equipment (PPE) to wear when applying pest-control:
- Gloves
- Long sleeves
- Long pants
- Closed-toe shoes
- Protective eyewear
- Wide-brimmed hat
Speaking of labels, one of the smartest things you can do for safety is carefully follow the directions on the package for each pest-control product.
In addition to any recommended precautions and personal protective equipment, you’ll also find details each product’s pre-harvest interval (PHI), or the amount of time that must pass between the final application and harvesting the fruit. Even when adhering to each product’s PHI, make sure you wash your fruit well before eating to rinse off any leftover residue.
Finally, when applying any pest-control chemical, it’s recommended to spray early in the morning or in the evening, when temperatures are cooler and winds are calm. Not only does this help prevent accidental overspray, temperatures of 85 degrees or higher can also make it difficult to control the rate at which your product sprays, and potentially introduce additional safety concerns.
Still have questions about the best way to manage pests on your fruit trees?
Stop by your local IFA Country Store to talk to our certified arborists and other agricultural experts, and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a healthy harvest this year!
Additional Resources:
Utah State University Extension provides a helpful pest advisory that provides home fruit and vegetable growers with valuable information on which chemicals to use and when to use them. Visit pestadvisories.usu.edu for more information.
The USU Extension also provides the “Intermountain Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide” with up-to-date information on all fruit crops grown in the Intermountain region, along with details on disease, pest control, spray chemicals and other resources.
Information for this article was provided by Todd Tolbert, CCA, Spanish Fork IFA Ag Center; Aaron Jaussi, Branch Manager, Provo IFA Country Store; Nick Loveland, Certified Arborist, Assistant Manager, Ogden IFA Country Store; East LaMothe, Branch Manager, Salt Lake City IFA Country Store; and Ken Holt, Lawn & Garden Category Manager, IFA Country Store.