Micro 500 contains a balanced combination of five essential micronutrients: zinc, iron, boron, copper and manganese. Each crop grown has minimum requirements of certain micronutrients in specific proportion to each other. The formulation of Micro 500 is designed to fulfill these requirements.
Zinc is one of those nutrients that affects the terminal growth areas of the plant. High yields are impossible without zinc due to its importance related to growth.
Iron is required for the formation of chlorophyll, it activates respiration, and is essential for food production.
Boron is essential for development of new cells in the process of cell division and differentiation.
Copper catalyzes several plant reactions and is essential to chlorophyll formation. Manganese serves as an activator for enzymes involved in the plant growth process.
Manganese is also needed for phosphorus and magnesium uptake.
The five micronutrients in Micro 500 are formulated together using AgroLiquid’s Flavonol Polymer Technology so they perform better than applying comparable rates of individual micronutrients. The technology used in Micro 500 makes it easy for these nutrients to enter through the roots or leaves of the plant, making it an ideal micronutrient product for soil or foliar applications.
Micro 500 mixes well with other fertilizers and crop protection products. Flavanol technology allows the micronutrients to release slowly, thereby allowing the plant to utilize them throughout its growth cycle.
Micro 500 Case Study
This photo (above) shows a field of corn with Micro 500 applied to the entire field, an additional quart of Micro 500 was applied on several rows. The result was noticeable!
Micro 500 is typically used to address zinc and manganese deficiencies. AgroLiquid’s individual MicroLink micronutrients can also be added to Micro 500 if other specific nutrient deficiencies are present in the field. Micro 500 is also used as a plant stimulator when applied with crop protection chemistry to help with efficacy and side effects.
Forty years of research on AgroLiquid’s NCRS research farm and 17 years of Micro 500 being sold in Utah has shown higher yields and success in meeting micronutrient demand!
Justice Von Leibig’s Law of the Minimum states that yield will be affected by your most limiting factors. Limiting factors can include climate, water availability, plant nutrition, and tillage, among other things.
How do you decide what your most limiting factors are? Gather data including soil tests and farming history. With this data your IFA Certified Crop Advisor can determine the best products and methods to help you meet your goals. Let us help you!
Discover IFA's Agronomy Services
Written by Kip Stowell, Salesman, AgroLiquid, Originally published in IFA's Cooperator magazine (vol. 86, no. 2) Summer 2020.