IFA is a local farmer-owned cooperative that has been helping grow healthy chickens and poultry since 1923. The IFA you know and recognize today was founded under the name “Utah Poultry Producers” and the cooperative’s purpose and objective was to market Utah eggs and poultry products.
Although the co-op has transitioned from marketing to supply and no longer focuses solely on poultry, growing healthy chickens remains an integral part of our IFA brand.
Utah Poultry Producers
Utah Poultry Producers provided new opportunities for chicken and poultry producers in the co-op’s home state. By marketing surplus eggs from Utah’s outer regions to the Salt Lake area, member producers were able to draw on larger profits than would be generated by selling those same eggs locally.
Building upon this success and recognizing an opportunity, Utah Poultry quickly expanded beyond Salt Lake City markets to larger metropolitan areas coast to coast by marketing eggs from Los Angeles all the way to New York City. Though risky, the endeavor paid off with greater demand and higher prices for Utah eggs and poultry products.
As eggs and poultry started generating greater returns in these distant markets, more and more producers joined the co-op’s ranks, increasing poultry populations within the state. With this increase in poultry came the need for feed.
Feed For Then, Feed For Now
Although Utah Poultry producers began primarily as a marketing cooperative, efforts quickly expanded to feed production. The co-op served as a distribution center of poultry feed and supplies shortly after 1923 and then began crafting and producing its own brand of quality, locally-sourced feed by 1930.
Utah Poultry Producers boasted “milk white poultry feeds” to coincide with the “milk white eggs” marketing campaign of the time. The co-op brand feed was first produced at a Salt Lake City based mill. Then, following a merger with Draper Poultrymen, at what is still IFA’s Draper Feed Mill–although the facility has seen extensive upgrades since then as the co-op’s needs changed.
IFA's Local Poultry Feeds
Gone are the days of the “milk white” label but not quality of IFA poultry feeds. In fact, IFA brand poultry feed is still the number one bagged feed produced at the Draper Feed Mill. IFA produces quality, locally milled feeds perfect for poultry all the way from new chicks until those chicks are healthy, egg-laying chickens.
IFA Chick Starter
IFA’s Chick Starter gives your chicks the nutrition they need to build good digestion, strong bones and a hearty immune system. Chicks get a healthy start with proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. DHA Omega-3s promote strong immune system development and prebiotics & probiotics encourage good gut health from the beginning.
IFA Pullet Developer
Formulated by IFA’s nutrition experts, this crumble poultry feed is designed to optimize growth rate for healthy, strong development in hens. 16% protein and amino acids support muscle and feather development while DHA Omega-3s help immune system development.
IFA Layer Pellets, Mash & Crumble
IFA Layer Feeds are expertly formulated by our in-house nutritionists to build strong natural defenses, maximize performance and promote gut health. The feeds incorporate a balance of protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals as well as probiotics and DHA Omega-3s for added immune support & more nutritious eggs.
IFA & Commercial Poultry Producers
Utah Poultry Producers recognized the important role nutrition plays in poultry and egg production. With this in mind, the co-op expanded their team with the expertise of veterinarians and poultry experts brought on to help answer producers’ questions and recommend feeds.
This desire to educate and help producers grow healthier, more productive birds remains in effect within your IFA co-op. Today, IFA employs industry experts in nutrition and animal health for an array of livestock.
These experts continue to be a resource for IFA’s member producers and play an essential role in crafting customized feed rations for commercial growers as well as in formulating IFA bagged feeds.
Likewise, commercial poultry producers remain an integral piece of IFA’s DNA. Though the co-op no longer markets poultry products, we still help grow the most productive birds.
Still the Place for Poultry
IFA may no longer be strictly a poultry cooperative, but our Country Stores are still the place for new and experienced chicken growers to find the tools they need for healthier birds as well as to build their flocks.
Picking up Chicks at IFA
Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your roost, it's important to find the best chicken breeds suited to your specific needs. With more than 30 different chicken breeds to choose from, IFA is the place to start.
Breed selection is important to consider if you have a specific purpose in mind for your birds. Some breeds are best suited to egg production while others make better meat birds. Consider your specific goals when purchasing new chicks and ask an IFA poultry experts for help and recommendations on the many different breeds available.
Chick Supplies and Resources
Young chicks require special care to help grow into healthy productive chickens. Luckily, caring for chicks is our specialty and IFA provides resources and training for chicken owners to help them get started caring for new birds. With the right tools, any experienced or even new chicken owner can grow their flock with a few new chicks.
To get started, a new chicken grower will need the proper chick feeder and water stations, a brooder or stock tank with shavings for the young birds to live in and properly used heating lamps–young chicks are especially susceptible to temperature changes so it is important to use heating lamps effectively when chicks are first brought home. If you have an existing flock, it is also important to keep the young chicks separated from the older birds until they are at least six weeks old or preferably between eight to twelve weeks.
New chicks will also require specially formulated feeds for the first eight weeks. Chicks have very specific nutritional needs as their bones, digestive systems and immune systems develop. As the chickens grow their nutritional needs will change and ensuring your birds are their healthiest and most productive requires choosing a feed that is meeting those nutritional needs at every stage.
Still Growing
In 100 years your IFA co-op has expanded, evolved and even experienced a few name changes. Although the focus of the co-op is no longer on marketing poultry products, caring for and helping grow healthy, productive chickens and turkeys is still as relevant to our co-op as in 1923.
IFA continues to focus on the needs of our co-op members. Whether it's poultry, pets, cattle or even lawns, IFA continues to bring you the tools and industry expertise to grow the things you love.
Information for this article was provided by Sandie Shupe, Poultry, Rabbit & Animal Health Manager, Ogden IFA Country Store; Maureen Goodrich, Poultry, Rabbit, Pet & Tack Manager, Logan IFA Country Store; and Jill Singleton, Bagged Feed Category Manager, IFA.