Grandma Mickelsen's German Pancakes

Grandma Mickelsen's German Pancakes

Grandma Mickelsen's 'Bubbles' (aka German Pancakes) are a feel-good egg-lovers favorite that taste like home and pair well with fresh fruit. Continue >>>

Nutritious Eggs Start With Nutritious Chicken Feed

Nutritious Eggs Start With Nutritious Chicken Feed

Learn how the nutrition you feed your chickens impacts the nutrition they give back to you in their eggs. And how you can keep your flock healthy and... Continue >>>

Nitrogen Management Tips & Best Practices

Nitrogen Management Tips & Best Practices

As growers look to manage risks and fertilizer application schedules are set, remember these management tips to optimize your nitrogen program. Continue >>>

Gramma Sue's Fudge

Gramma Sue's Fudge

Fantastic-fudge recipes straight from the farm house. Gramma Sue's Fudge Recipe is a sure win for any barbeque, get together or holiday. Continue >>>

Easy Backyard Chickens

Easy Backyard Chickens

Would you love to enjoy fresh eggs laid by your own hens, but think it'd be too much work? This beginner's guide gives you simple basics to get started Continue >>>

Understanding Calf Rumen Development

Understanding Calf Rumen Development

Cattle will transition from a monogastric digestive system to a ruminant one in order to be functional and productive members of the herd. Continue >>>

Grandma Chrystal's Lemon Meringue Pie

Grandma Chrystal's Lemon Meringue Pie

All the tangy-goodness you expect from a lemon pie with the the home-style feel, try out Grandma Chrystal's Lemon Pie for yourself. Continue >>>

Deciphering Fiber Analyses in Your Feed & Forage Reports

Deciphering Fiber Analyses in Your Feed & Forage Reports

Deciphering Fiber Analyses can be difficult with the ever-growing acronyms being used. Understand your feed analysis using this guide on nutrition terms. Continue >>>

Fall Planting Opportunities and Benefits for Crop Producers

Fall Planting Opportunities and Benefits for Crop Producers

Plant in the fall, reap the benefits come spring. Autumn offers some of the year's best planting opportunities for forage, pasture grass, and cover crops. Continue >>>

Smokin' Honey Dutch Oven Anasazi Beans

Smokin' Honey Dutch Oven Anasazi Beans

This Farmhouse Recipe of Smokin' Honey Dutch Oven Anasazi Beans is a sweet and tangy favorite from James Park. Continue >>>

Restock Your Chicken Coop This Fall for Eggs Next Spring

Restock Your Chicken Coop This Fall for Eggs Next Spring

Add new chicks to your chicken flock this fall so they can grow during the cold months when laying slows, and be ready to start producing eggs come spring Continue >>>

Troubleshooting Common Bee Problems

Troubleshooting Common Bee Problems

Whether you're a seasoned beekeeper or a beginning hobbyist, here are some solutions to bee problems that pop up for every hive and apiarist. Continue >>>

How to Start a Raised Garden Bed

How to Start a Raised Garden Bed

Start a raised garden bed and successfully grow your favorite vegetables in any space. See the benefits and plan a raised bed garden with these tips. Continue >>>

How To Use Your Grill to Smoke Vegetables, Fruits, Cheeses and More

How To Use Your Grill to Smoke Vegetables, Fruits, Cheeses and More

Learn how you can use your grill or smoker to add delicious, smokey flavors to vegetables, fruits, cheeses and more. Continue >>>

Mama's Homemade Bread & Zucchini Casserole Recipes

Mama's Homemade Bread & Zucchini Casserole Recipes

Mama's Bread & Zucchini Casserole recipe is a home-fresh meal that will bring you back to your childhood days with your mom or grandma in the kitchen. Continue >>>

The Benefits of Mega 3™ in Your Cattle Feeding Program

The Benefits of Mega 3™ in Your Cattle Feeding Program

What are the benefits of adding Mega 3™ to your feeding program? It provides omega-3 fatty acids, improves overall health and feed efficiency and more. Continue >>>

Planting the Right Tomato

Planting the Right Tomato

When you're growing tomatoes, planting the right variety is important, but it doesn't need to be difficult. Here are some considerations to help you choose Continue >>>

How One Family Uses 4H To Teach Their Kids Valuable Life Lessons

How One Family Uses 4H To Teach Their Kids Valuable Life Lessons

The lessons learned raising livestock are invaluable, from the work ethic to money decisions. My kids get experiences they wouldn't have outside of 4H. Continue >>>

The Major Role of Phosphorus in Plant Growth and Productivity

The Major Role of Phosphorus in Plant Growth and Productivity

Maintaining an adequate supply of Phosphorus is essential for plant health. Learn more about the role phosphorus plays in plant growth and reproduction. Continue >>>

Preventing Summer Pneumonia in Cattle

Preventing Summer Pneumonia in Cattle

Warm dry weather does not mean your cattle are no longer at risk for disease. Protect your heard against summer pneumonia by vaccinating in the spring. Continue >>>

The Fussiest Bull Buyer and Cattle Raiser in America

The Fussiest Bull Buyer and Cattle Raiser in America

Gib Yardley is a 3rd-generation cattle rancher, loyal IFA co-op member and the self-proclaimed "fussiest bull buyer and cattle raiser in America." Continue >>>

Discovering New Livestock Nutrition Research in Amino Acid Balancing

Discovering New Livestock Nutrition Research in Amino Acid Balancing

As research in ruminant nutrition continues to grow, understanding Amino Acid Balancing is another step to better feed and production efficiency. Continue >>>

HarvXtra Alfalfa Product Enhances Digestibility and Weed Control

HarvXtra Alfalfa Product Enhances Digestibility and Weed Control

W-L Alfalfa's HarvXtra alfalfa product gives crop growers flexibility when it comes to cutting, without sacrificing forage quality or yield potential. Continue >>>

JoAnne Smith's Hot Fudge Sauce

JoAnne Smith's Hot Fudge Sauce

Joanne Smith's Hot Fudge Sauce Recipe is perfect as an ice cream topping and more with the chocolate goodness you expect and a taste of home. Continue >>>

Tips for Successfully Gardening In Utah

Tips for Successfully Gardening In Utah

The most important part of preparing a garden starts with the soil. Before you play in the dirt, here are our tips for successfully gardening in Utah soil. Continue >>>

Have a Beautiful Lawn in Four Easy Steps

Have a Beautiful Lawn in Four Easy Steps

Having the best lawn in the neighborhood starts with the best lawn fertilizer. IFA's easy 4 step lawn care program will help you get that deep green envy. Continue >>>

How to Guide to Winterizing Your Bees & Hives

How to Guide to Winterizing Your Bees & Hives

Winterizing your beehive is a 12-month process. Let us show you the steps you need to take to protect your hives and bees before the snow flies. Continue >>>

6 Projects All Farmers Should Tackle Each Fall

6 Projects All Farmers Should Tackle Each Fall

Agricultural producers & farmers should tackle these projects in the fall and winter to make things run smoother, and possibly more profitably, come spring Continue >>>

Applesauce Oatmeal Cookies & Ice Cream Pie

Applesauce Oatmeal Cookies & Ice Cream Pie

This Applesauce Oatmeal Cookies & Ice Cream Pie recipe from Ann Packer Lloyd is a perfect treat when you want a taste of home. Continue >>>

IFA Nutritionist Helps Lunday Dairy Keep Milk Production Stable

IFA Nutritionist Helps Lunday Dairy Keep Milk Production Stable

Learn how one Utah dairy farmer keeps his cattle's milk production stable with the help of IFA nutritionists. Continue >>>

Target Perennial Weeds With a Fall Weed Control Program

Target Perennial Weeds With a Fall Weed Control Program

Post-harvest weed management opens opportunities for additional control measures for problematic winter annual, biennial and perennial weeds. Continue >>>

Agriculture Grows More Than Crops and Animals

Agriculture Grows More Than Crops and Animals

Agricultural life is a very interesting lifestyle. It grows us as people, creates memories, nurtures families and builds a stronger next generation. Continue >>>

Combine Pest Control Methods into an Integrated Pest Management Program

Combine Pest Control Methods into an Integrated Pest Management Program

Learn how Integrated Pest Management programs combine different pest management methods to create more effective, long-term pest-control solutions Continue >>>

Farmhouse Recipe for Spaghetti & Meatballs with Fresh Breadsticks

Farmhouse Recipe for Spaghetti & Meatballs with Fresh Breadsticks

Homemade Spaghetti & Meatballs recipe with a very secret sauce recipe is a sure win and fantastic taste of home. Continue >>>

Bee-lieve in Yourself, Beekeeper Goes From Hobby To Serious Business

Bee-lieve in Yourself, Beekeeper Goes From Hobby To Serious Business

Santa Clara beekeeper goes from hobbyist to business, while evolving with drastic changes in agriculture to perpetuate family values and the bee industry Continue >>>

Kick-Start Respiratory Vaccinations for Calves

Kick-Start Respiratory Vaccinations for Calves

As calving season gets under way, help your newest herd members to stay healthy by providing respiratory vaccinations. Continue >>>

10 Premium and Custom Seed Mixes From IFA and Haystack Mountain

10 Premium and Custom Seed Mixes From IFA and Haystack Mountain

10 favorite seed and crop choices for the Intermountain West region that are worth consider as you plan for the needs of your farm, ranch and customers. Continue >>>

Jones' Beau Monde Vegetable Dip

Jones' Beau Monde Vegetable Dip

Jones' Beau Monde Vegetable Dip is a great way to enjoy your garden-fresh veggies. Continue >>>

Why We Need Bees & Beekeepers

Why We Need Bees & Beekeepers

Bees play a critical role in the world food system and in national economies. Learn more about the essential role of bees and beekeepers. Continue >>>

10 Family-Friendly Chicken Breeds That Are Great for Kids

10 Family-Friendly Chicken Breeds That Are Great for Kids

From big-and-cuddly to furry-and-talkative, meet some of our favorite kid-friendly chickens who make great pets for families that are new to raising hens. Continue >>>

Caroline's Homemade Sunday Rolls

Caroline's Homemade Sunday Rolls

Caroline's delicious homemade Sunday rolls are often shared at family meals and holidays of all kinds. Continue >>>

Why Fall Fertilizer is the Most Important of the Year

Why Fall Fertilizer is the Most Important of the Year

Fall fertilizer is responsible for maintaining your lawn health through the winter & into early spring. Learn why this feeding is essential for your grass. Continue >>>

Siddoway Sheep: A Multi-Generational Family Operation

Siddoway Sheep: A Multi-Generational Family Operation

Siddoway Sheep: One of the oldest and largest sheep operations in the United States is a proud member of IFA's farmer's co-op. Continue >>>

Paul Valcarce's Peach Pie

Paul Valcarce's Peach Pie

Try Paul Valcarce's peach pie recipe; a tasty family favorite in norther Utah. Continue >>>

All In The Family: The Bown Dairy Operation

All In The Family: The Bown Dairy Operation

Incorporating strengths of both older and younger generations at Bown Dairy to help the operation expand and succeed. Continue >>>

Sheepherder Eggs: The Delicacy of Rocky Mountain Oysters

Sheepherder Eggs: The Delicacy of Rocky Mountain Oysters

For Whit Swan, folllowing the sheepherds was a way of life just like partaking in the tradition of Sheepherder Eggs (AKA Rocky Mountain Oysters). Continue >>>

Get the Right Grass Support

Get the Right Grass Support

Our lawn & garden experts have formulated the absolute best lawn care and fertilizer products to meet the natural needs of the intermountain west region. Continue >>>

The Right Fiber and Forage for Dairy Cattle

The Right Fiber and Forage for Dairy Cattle

Forages comprise more than 50% of the diets of dairy cattle and greatly affect the health of ruminant animals. Learn which is best for your dairy cows. Continue >>>